Saturday 18 January 2014

Harmony Smoothie Serum & Creme Balm

It feels a little mental to be using the word xmas right now, Christmas feels forever ago! And although there is while to go before we all start crackin out the tinsle again it is still properly wintery out there. For me this means my skin is breaking out left right and center, my skin loves sunshine and so the lack of it right now means my skin is in a sorry way. I haven't had a proper chin breakout of spots in forever, but the combination of alcohol mixed with being too merry to take ya make-up off has meant my chin spots are back with revenge! Luckily for me I caught sight of this the other week and immediately got it ordered. This gift set is down a stonkin amount as it was originally £27.50. And absolutely perfect if you are after trying Premae products for the first time. 

Thanks to Glossybox I've had the delight of using both of these products before. For me the serum was amazing and I used the whole thing pretty quickly. As much as I love Glossybox I am ever so cautious about trying new the cremes and potions sent out as my skin is a tad on the sensitive side, but because Premae is entirely allergen free you can guarantee there is no aggravation to thy pretty face. I tried these products ages ago back in the summer, and as fantastic as they where I didn't go back and repurchase. But as fate would have it I ended up at an event in December for Beauty Bloggers that was at the Premae Store in Carnaby Street, here I was re-united with these super duper products and got my hands on them a little later from the website.

Smoothie Serum: As I mentioned I scraped the bottle clean with my first one of these and whimpered a little when it had all gone. This product is perfect for me because the light weight shine control means it helps my oiliness out loads and gives it a matifying effect whilst moisturizing at the same time. I love applying it in the morning before make-up and the zingyness of the lemongrass is just what you need on a dark zombiefied morning.

Moisturizing Creme Balm: I tend to use this a little less than the serum, simply because its super thick and I don't feel the need for it everyday. But of course with it being winter at the moment when my skin is crying I'll slather it on. With similar intentions of the serum it leaves my skin refreshed and soothed, without all the oil and shine I often find you get with other moisturizers. The lemongrass scent graces the balm also, so I like to apply it at bedtime and I am gradually getting a lemon grass scented pillow. Amazing!!

Please believe me when I say I do get breakouts from using products that aren't right for my skin. Premae is a fantastic brand and I have a genuine belief in there products, get in touch with the website for help and advice. Shopping for skincare with sensitive skin can be an absolute minefield, but Premae offer honest and irritant free products. No nasty bits! 

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